Unit testing Sails JS: How to mock SailsJS Services in Controllers

On my previous article get your SailsJS testing environment setup, and also how to run a basic test. But let’s face it: when it comes to real life, *basic is never enough! On this article I will be covering a more realistic scenario:

Let’s suppose you wrote a SailsJS Controller and a SailsJS Service. You got them to work together, and now you want to mock the service while testing your controller.

The problem is that SailsJS magically injects Services — and Models, and everything else — into the Controller, making it difficult to simply call HelloController.index() without lifting SailsJS. We need the dependencies to be in place (otherwise we will get a bunch of ugly undefined is not a function kind of errors.

Fortunately, lifting SailsJS in code is almost as easy as running sails lift on your command line, and that is exactly what we are going to do in order run our tests.

So… how do I mock services in my controllers?

I’m glad you asked! First things first, pretend we already have a controller and a service in place: The controller is called TestingServicesController and the service is called MyFirstService.

Step 1: Start by instantiating SailsJS in your test file:

var Sails = require('sails'),
    sinon = require('sinon'),
    assert = require('assert');

Step 2: Lift SailsJS before executing each test and lower it after the test is executed:

var app,

// Gets run before each test
before(function beforeControllerTest(done) {

  // Lift Sails and start the server

    log: {
      level: 'error'

  }, function(err, sails) {
  	// Instantiates new sails application
    app = sails;
    // Instantiates controller
    testingServicesController = app.controllers.testingservices;
    // Lets testing framework know async call is done
    done(err, sails);

// Gets run after each test
after(function afterControllerTest(done){

  // Destroys application

Step 3: Mock service and test controller

it('should have called mocked service', function() {

  // Mocking our service
  sinon.stub(app.services.myfirstservice, 'sayHello', function() {
    return 'Hello I am the mocked Service';

  // JSON object spy
  var send = sinon.spy();

  // Executes controller action
  testingServicesController.index(null, {
    'send': send

  // Makes sure the mocked service was called
  // instead of the real one
  assert(send.calledWith('Our service has a message for you: Hello I am the mocked Service'));

  // Restores our mock to the original service
  // Notice that the above action this is very important
  // because if the original action does not get restored,
  // then this mock will be used in other tests

Putting the pieces of the puzzle together

Below is what my code looks like when we put all three steps together:

var Sails = require('sails'),
    sinon = require('sinon'),
    assert = require('assert');

describe('The TestingServices Controller', function() {

  // app and testingServicesController 
  var app,

  // Global before hook
  before(function beforeControllerTest(done) {

    // Lift Sails and start the server

      log: {
        level: 'error'

    }, function(err, sails) {
      app = sails;

      // TestingServices controller
      testingServicesController = app.controllers.testingservices;

      done(err, sails);

  after(function afterControllerTest(done){

  describe('when we invoke the index action', function() {

    before(function() {
      // Mocking our service
      sinon.stub(app.services.myfirstservice, 'sayHello', function() {
        return 'Hello I am the mocked Service';

    after(function() {
      // Restores our mock to the original service

    it('should have called mocked service', function() {

      // JSON object spy
      var send = sinon.spy();

      // Executes controller action
      testingServicesController.index(null, {
        'send': send

      // Makes sure the mocked service was called
      // instead of the real one
      assert(send.calledWith('Our service has a message for you: Hello I am the mocked Service'));


Demo and code samples

You know you can always count on me when it comes to post my working code to GitHub! Check out the full working copy here:

Sergio Cruz

Copyright © 2022 Sergio Cruz. All rights reserved.